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Consider lymphedema as a serious condition because it is! This condition is affecting at least 3 million Americans. It is a long term physical and psychosocial consequences for patients. It is chronic, reactive inflammation and continues to progress if remain untreated. If lymphedema combines with other pathologies such as cardiac edema, chronic arthritic conditions and chronic veinous insufficiency the pathophysiological effects are worsened because of the stress that is placed on the damaged lymphatic system. This condition is serious because not only that it is poorly diagnosed by clinicians, it is also lack professional provider for the treatment,
Lipedema is an abnormal growth of connective tissue with a healthy lymphatic system. However, this condition can get worsen if left untreated and turn into combined lymphedema. Lipedema has to be treated to avoid infection and obstruction in the lymphatic system.
Chronic veinous Insufficiency or known as CVI is a disease which veins and muscles pump activity is dysfunctional. That being said, we find edema on the feet or lower legs because if our muscles pump is dysfunctional, this is causing for the blood to pool in the legs and feet. This condition is often caused by a repeat damage to the veins due to several varicose veins or deep venous pathology. If this remain untreated, this can turn to a serious condition.
This is the first visit of the client in Lunas Masahe LLC. Consultation will be done, MD clearance may be requested to insure client's safety and indication to CDT program. Client's compliance to the program is detrimental for the treatment success. Client's funds capability to CDT program must be available to ensure client's success for the treatment. There will be no treatment during initial visit.
This session is design for monitoring the volume of the affected limb, check the skin integrity, rebandaging and remedial exercise with Focus MLD.
Four components must be established prior to the CDT program to begin. Clients' medical history, MD clearance, Evaluation, Compliance to the treatment program, funds capability, supplies must be stablished for the program to start.
This program is 12-15weeks CDT program design for stage 1 CVI, Lipedema, Stage 0-1 Lymphedema. This package includes 6 MLD sessions to decongest volume, bandaging, this package includes: bandaging labor, volume measurement and monitoring. remedial exercise, skin care, MLD session. Free initial regular bandage kit and client responsible for bandage replacement and maintenance garments (garments and bandage must be replace 4-6 months) Foam paddings will be provided.
This program is designed for stage 2 lymphedema with stemmer sign and irreversible. This program is 15-20 weeks CDT program designed for stage 2 Lymphedema Secondary/primary lymphedema, this package includes 6 initial MLD sessions to decongest volume, and bandaging, this package includes: bandaging labor, volume measurement, and monitoring. remedial exercise, skincare, and MLD session. Free initial regular bandage kit and client responsible for bandage replacement and maintenance garments (garments and bandage must be replace 4-6 months) Foam paddings will be provided.
Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Lymphedema is an accumulation of protein rich fluid to our interstitium which causes our legs or arms or other parts of the body to swell. Lymphedema is a chronic disease and currently has no cure but can be successfully managed through CDT ( Complete Decongested Therapy) Lymphedema can be secondary or primary. Secondary Lymphedema occur due to lymph node removal from breast cancer treatment, radiation or because Lymphatic vessels are damaged. Sometimes this swelling develops quickly, or it may develop slowly over several months. Lymphedema occurs when the lymph vessels or lymphatic system are not able to adequately drain lymph fluid, usually from an arm or leg. The most common causes of lymphedema include: Cancer. If cancer cells block lymph vessels, lymphedema may result
Lymphedema can be classified as PRIMARY or SECONDARY lymphedema.
Primary lymphedema represents a developmental abnormality (dysplasia) of the lymphatic system, which is either congenital or hereditary. It can present as a variety of abnormalities.
Secondary lymphedema may happen if your lymphatic system is damaged from surgery, trauma or radiation therapy. Lymphedema is most common in people who've had breast cancer treatment. That said, not everyone who has breast cancer treatment develops lymphedema.
A subclinical state where swelling is not evident despite impaired lymph transport. This stage may exist for months or years before edema becomes evident.
Early accumulation of fluid relatively high in protein content that subsides with limb elevation. Pitting may occur. An increase in proliferating cells may be seen. Spontaneous reversable.
Limb elevation alone rarely reduces swelling and pitting may or may not occur as tissue fibrosis develops. Stemmer sign positive with skin changes.
Pitting is absent and trophic skin changes such as acanthosis, fat deposits, lymphorhea and warty overgrowths begin to develop.
Complete Decongestive therapy is the golden standard treatment for lymphedema.
Lymphedema is categorized to 3 stages and terms of treatment depends on what stage you belong. Meaning, treatment for lymphedema depends on the severity and extent of the condition. Lymphedema management plays as an important role with this condition by providing the limb a strong containment to manage the volume of the limb.
Complete decongestive therapy (CDT) is the golden standard treatment of lymphedema in the market. It is a non-invasive treatment for lymphedema. The therapy includes a variety of techniques, including manual lymphatic drainage, compression (Bandaging), exercise, and skincare. CDT will help the person avoid some of the complications that come from living with lymphedema, a chronic condition that can be managed. Lymphedema treatment is a lifetime commitment. After finishing the program, you will be transitioned to maintenance garments, and you will setup your follow-up appointment as needed providing you keep your home care.
Four components of CDT
1. Manual Lymphatic Drainage = for decongesting the volume and analgesic effect.
2. Nail care and Skin care = Must be done prior the bandaging or as often as you needed
3. Bandaging = Bandaging protocol is carefully observed. Highly trained professional provider is required for this component. Bandaging will start every Monday or Tuesday and not later than that. This will ensure that you have enough time to decongest over 1 week term. For the first week, you will setup your 6 consecutive days appointment ( crucial to your program) . When your limb volume decongests 50-60% then you will transition to maintenance garment which you are responsible to purchase. Replace your garment 4-6 months to ensure productivity. During your maintenance, you will setup a follow up appointment as needed.
4. Remedial exercise is as important as bandaging because fluid flow by muscles pump and joints movement.
The four components must be stablished or exercise in order for the program to work successfully.
We love our customers and your safety is our priority. To provide you the safest treatment you deserved, we need to get to know you. We require a consultation to see if you are the best candidate for the program.
910 Quest Parkway, Suite 6 Cedar Park, Texas 78613, United States
(512)817-3008 lmt@Lunas
Mon | By Appointment | |
Tue | By Appointment | |
Wed | By Appointment | |
Thu | By Appointment | |
Fri | By Appointment | |
Sat | By Appointment | |
Sun | By Appointment |
Appointment is required!
The lymphatic system maintains fluid balance, removes toxins, and supports immunity. Manual Lymphatic Drainage boosts lymph flow, reducing swelling, detoxifying the body, and aiding healing. Call us today to book your session and feel the difference!